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Kids Brain Boost 10% off on Subscription

Brain Health Case Study

Brain Health Case Study

Brain Health Case Study

Want a stronger and better brain physically, mentally, and emotionally? A recent fMRI shows that taking our Nutritional Brain Defense daily for two months resulted in improved blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain (which include areas concerned with behavior, learning, personality, and movement). Testing also showed significant improvements in neurocognitive parameters.

Todd Clever, Captain, USA Rugby Team

Todd Clever


Todd has travelled the world building a reputation as one of the most formidable players in the game. He retired in 2017 and completed a study on his brain with Cover Three.

Until the results came back, Todd thought he might be experiencing the "placebo effect" because he was noticing more clarity, energy, focus, patience with his daughter during homework, and a desire to read because of his new ability to retain information.

He thought it was too good to be true. Just a little packet of nutrition couldn't be this powerful, or could it?

When his brain scans showed improved blood flow to his frontal lobes and improvement in aptitude test results, he was convinced of Cover Three’s benefits.

Todd is excited about how a better brain will impact his family, happiness, and future, and is sharing Cover Three with the world of Rugby to help defend player's brains. #TeamC3

Test Results

Brain MRI Scan

After taking Cover Three daily for 2 months, a fMRI showed improved blood flow to the frontal lobes of Todd's brain. A healthy frontal lobe is key for brain health. This is the “control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate. It is the part of the brain that controls important cognitive skills, such as problem solving, memory, emotional expression, language, sexual behaviors, and judgment.

Results showed improvements in all neurocognitive parameters with an 18% increase in Attention, 14% increase in Verbal Memory, and a 9% increase in Reaction Time.


Attention Bar Chart


Memory Bar Chart


Speed Bar Chart

Research: Cover Three's ingredients and their benefits on brain health

Our ingredients are found naturally in foods BUT are concentrated and combined synergistically in Cover Three to deliver optimal results for better brain health.

Learn more about the independent research from the National Institute of Health's National Center for Biotechnology Information, on each our ingredients below:
Video thumbnail

Asked Questions

When should I take Brain Defense?

For best results, take it with breakfast or lunch. If you're in a pinch the packets can be taken on an empty stomach, nothing else needed. (unlike pills, they can be a life saver in the car or in the board meeting when you or a family member is hangry).

Are the ingredients clinically studied?

Yes. Our doctor Cover Three developed the formula after decades of reviewing 1000's of studies that back up our claims. If you would like to read more, go to our ingredients + benefits page.

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